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Diese Studie hat den Status "laufend".
Nummer der Studie: 20181001-1837
Titel der Studie: Metabolic remodeling in Fontan patients: a Metabolomics study
Principal Investigator (Hauptprüfer)
Name: Ao. Univ.-Prof. Daniela Karall
Telefon: 504-81566
Laienverständliche Kurzbeschreibung
Patients who are born with just one single heart chamber need to undergo surgical therapy allowing the single heart chamber to pump the blood into the systemic circulation and allowing the blood to flow passively to the lungs (Fontan circulation). Regular ultrasound, cardiopulmonary exercise testing, and invasive diagnostic tools (catheterization, general anaesthesia needed) are necessary to early find out cardiac, vascular, or circulatory impairment. It is still very difficult to diagnose and therapy failure of this Fontan system early enough. We know that in patients with a failing two-chambered heart, the energy source for the heart and the body in general switches from the use of lipids to the use of sugar and ketone bodies. First studies show distinct concentrations of membrane lipids in Fontan patients with a left dominant ventricle, but the energy metabolism has not been focused yet in those patients. We hypothesize that there are alterations in the energy metabolism in adult Fontan patients in comparison to healthy two-chambered controls, and that those alterations correlate with the grade of impairment of cardiopulmonary function. Furthermore we hypothesize that there are differences in in Fontan patients with a left-dominant vs. a reight-dominant ventricle, and that the vascular structure shows differences, too. With the help of a special biochemical examination (mass spectrometry-based Metabolomics study) blood of Fontan patients will be analyzed, and the results will be correlated with the results of ultrasound and cardiopulmonary exercise testing. The aim of our study is to establish sensitive blood markers indicating cardiac, vascular, circulatory or further organ dysfunction in Fontan patients. This should allow optimal Fontan system monitoring with an optimal timing of an additional invasive diagnostic catheterization and of nutritional, medical or interventional therapy.
Öffentlicher Sponsor
Firma/Institution: MUI (Pädiatrie III)
Status der Studie
Status der Patientenrekrutierung: Läuft