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Diese Studie hat den Status "laufend".
Nummer der Studie: 20210212-2495
Titel der Studie: Liver disease, myocardial fibrosis and collaterals in the adult Fontan patient – a Metabolomics and Proteomics approach
Principal Investigator (Hauptprüfer)
Name: Prof. Dr. Daniela Karall
Telefon: 05050423501
Laienverständliche Kurzbeschreibung
Patients who are born with just one single heart chamber need to undergo surgical therapy allowing the single heart chamber to pump the blood into the systemic circulation and allowing the blood to flow passively to the lungs (Fontan circulation). Regular ultrasound, cardiopulmonary exercise testing, and invasive diagnostic tools (catheterization, general anaesthesia needed) are necessary to early find out cardiac, vascular, or circulatory impairment. It is still very difficult to diagnose and therapy failure of this Fontan system early enough. In a prior study we found out that there are blood analytes pointing towards inflammation in those patients. Within the frame of the current study we now aim at indentifying mechanisms that promote liver, heart and vessel abnormalities which can typically occur in those patients. We belive that the inflammatory condition we depicted might be an important underlying mechanism reflecting and driving those abnormalities. To examine this we aim at focusing on further small molecules in the blood, as assessed by 2 different methodologies, namely metabolomics and proteomics. Our study would thereby allow for a deeper insight into the special circulation and sequelae of Fontan pateints and might provide first steps towards the identification of possible diagnostic or eventually therapeutic targets.
Öffentlicher Sponsor
Firma/Institution: Medizinische Universitaet Innsbruck
Status der Studie
Status der Patientenrekrutierung: Geplant